Tuesday, 3 May 2016

“ बेटी हैं कुदरत का उपहारजीने का इसको दो अधिकारI ”
  बेटी है तो कल हैI ”

जैसे सरोजिनी नायडूरानी लक्ष्मीबाई भी लड़कियाँ ही थे

Girls are also special. A world without them is difficult to imagine.
 Girls are equally important as Boys. They do should enjoy the same rights as Male. Let them Educate it will help India to grow better. Let Us Shine Together. They will do great I Know. So Lets Say 
"Beti Bachao Beti Padhao"

A campaign in India  has also started to end the gender-selective abortion of female foetus,The "Beti Bachao" campaign is supported by human rights groups, non-governmental organizations, and state local government in India. The act has also gained pace at international level.


Every man needs a mother,

wife and sister then

why not a daughter
Don't be cold,
Girls are worth more than gold.
 Girls are great,
Don't destroy their fate
They make the world bright
But still struggles to see light.
Daughters are Angels sent
from above to fill our heart
with unending love.
A girl child bring joy,
We don't need to compare them
with any boy.

Girls are spirit of our nation,
Save them and stop their exploitation
Let your Daughter grow,
Be her friend not her foe.

A daughter is a knot
that ties family together.
A son is a son
till he gets wife,
But daughter is a daughter
for her whole life.

From a child to a mother
Let's give a path for her.

- Radhika Gupta

Monday, 2 May 2016


This social evil is deep rooted in Indian ethos and the most shocking fact is that the innovative and hard high end technologies are brutally killing the Indian girl child. Innovative techniques, like biopsy, ultrasound, scan tests and amniocentesis, devised to detect genetic abnormalities, are highly misused by number of families to detect gender of the unborn child. These clinical tests are highly contributing to the rise in genocide of the unborn girl child.

 Female foeticide and infanticide is not the only issues with a girl child in India. At every stage of life she is discriminated and neglected for basic nutrition, education and living standard. When she was in the womb, she was forced to miss the moment when she was supposed to enter the world. At the time of birth her relatives pulled her back and wrung her neck. After killing her she was thrown into a trash can.



At time of Birth, a Boy is preferred and pampered but the girl child is not so welcomed. She undergoes female genital multi nation st small age, she is overburdened of the household chores to prepare her for the social role of home keeping while Boy Child is either playing Football or watching television.

In present also there are some places were Girls are married early and forced them to become dependent on others. ILLITERACY is still present, especially in slum areas of India.

POEM .....

माँ हो तो………. सन्तान पर हमेशा भारी है नारी

बहन हो तो……. भाई की लाडली है नारी

पत्नी हो तो…….. पति की जान है नारी

पुरुष हमेशा अधूरा तो…….. हमेशा पूरी है नारी

सृष्टि जिस पर घूम रही, वह धुरी है नारी

जब गर्भ में नहीं मरोगे, तभी तो तुम्हारी है नारी

जब नारी है………… तभी तो है ये सृष्टि सारी

                                              अभिषेक मिश्र


We all are proud citizens of India. The need of hour is to realize our responsibilities and give a halt to this evil crime. What can we do to curb the brutal and undesirable practice of mass killing girls? A determined drive can initiate a spark to light the lamp and show the world that we all are part of the great Mother India.