“ बेटी हैं कुदरत का उपहार, जीने का इसको दो अधिकारI ”
“ बेटी है तो कल हैI ”
जैसे सरोजिनी नायडू, रानी लक्ष्मीबाई भी लड़कियाँ ही थे।
Girls are also special. A world without
them is difficult to imagine.
Girls are equally
important as Boys. They do should enjoy the same rights as Male. Let them
Educate it will help India to grow better. Let Us Shine Together. They will do
great I Know. So Lets Say
"Beti Bachao Beti Padhao"
A campaign in India
has also started to end the gender-selective abortion of female
foetus,The "Beti
Bachao" campaign
is supported by human rights groups, non-governmental organizations, and state
local government in India. The act has also gained pace at international level.